• Is there anything from my past that limits me from manifesting what I choose to have in my life?
• How can I use and apply the records in my life?
• How can I activate Grace Points in my life?
• What is my primary issue in life?
• Why is it such a primary issue with me?
• What in me says I am not worthy of (Love) (money) (time off) (friends) (close relationships) (intimate relationships)?
• How can I love and accept myself right now?
• What is my biggest fear?
• Is there a question I am avoiding asking?
• If yes what is it?
• What is my greatest strength?
• What past life is having an influence on my current life?
• What can I do about it?
• What core belief or issue do I need to be looking at and addressing at this time?
• Is there something or someone I have given my power to in the past who is still having a negative effect on me now?
• What emotions or beliefs are attached to my physical pain?
• What area(s) of my life is/are out of integrity?
• Are there other questions I could ask that would give me a clearer answer?
• What illusions are keeping me from standing in my (power) (truth) (knowingness)?
• What is the origin of my belief that … (I must work hard for my money) (I am different from others) (I am unlovable)?
• How do I dissolve this belief? What do I replace it with? How do I go about replacing it?
• Is there any place in my physical form where I am holding energy?
• What is my major challenge right now?
• What person, place or thing do I have a tendency to give my power to?
• How can I form a working relationship with __________ ?
• How do I limit myself?
• If I stood before God, what would I be hesitant to admit?
• If I stood before God, would I be open and receptive to what he has to tell me?
• What brings my soul it’s greatest joy?
• What step(s) would be next to be on track with my purpose?
• What prevents me from receiving love?
• What blocks me from the flow of love?
• What beliefs has my family taught me that blocks me from loving myself?
• What spiritual practice would benefit and support me in my growth at this time?
• What qualities do I possess that connect me to Source that I can expand and build on?
• What attachment in my life keeps me emotionally charged?
• What attachment in my life keeps me emotionally charged?
• Is there another way to ask this question?
• If yes, What are they?
• Is there an easier or different way of (looking at my issues) (Handling this situation) (doing this job)?
• What is blocking me from loving and approving of myself unconditionally?